Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Welcome to my blog.  My name is Joan and I'm writing this blog to help myself through a difficult time in my life.
I'm 57, mother of 7 children, Mimi to 7 grandchildren and 3 granddogs and 3 grand cats. Until April of this year my husband and I had been enjoying our empty nest.  Life was still complicated but not difficult.  We are a combined family.  The 7 children are 3 mine, 4 his but all ours.  All but one of them has lived with us at some point but they are grown now, the youngest recently turned 26. Our time was our own.  I chose to spend a day or two every week in my home town,  2.5 hours away,  with my elderly parents.  I have 3 siblings who help out as well.  My mom is 90 and in poor health.  Dad is 91 and though not spry he is active in his own slow and plodding way.
In March my mother in law fell in her home and couldn't get to a phone until the next day.  This resulted in a short hospital stay followed by a long rehab stay.  On April 4th we had a family meeting at the rehab and it was decided that she would come live with us.  Tears were shed but we know this is the right thing for her.  Leaving the rehab that afternoon I was headed to visit my own parents when dcyf called to say they were taking our son's 2 boys away from him and they needed a place for them immediately.  My husband was very upset by this request knowing we simply could not take on a 10 month old (J) and an almost 2 year old (L) along with his mom.  Since J has no available mom or maternal family but L does,  it was decided that we could take J and L went to his maternal grandfather.
I am thankful that he didn't allow me to accept both boys because I'm simply too old for this fulltime.  J was placed in our home that night and is still with us 3 months later. 
Mom moved in a month later. So much upheaval in our household.  Empty 2 rooms of all our stuff and make room for her stuff. Renovate bathroom to have shower instead of tub.  Pick through an entire house trying to decide what she will want to keep and move it into our house.  So much work.  But she is settled in.  She has one end of our home,  2 bedrooms and a large bathroom.  One bedroom is her livingroom.  She eats with us at the dining room table but spends the rest of her day in her recliner in front of the TV. So far it's working well.
Long intro but that's the story of how at 57 I now have a 13 month old and a 90 year too care for.  I hope if you are reading this that you will comment and let me know you are here. 

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